Small Groups

Community takes place in circles not rows.

Sunday School Bible Study Groups  |   9:15am & 10:15am 

Our Sunday School Bible Study Groups are designed to build a biblical knowledge base to help believers understand what it means to be a growing disciple of Christ. These studies follow an ongoing study plan that exposes participants, over time, to the entire Bible. The study plans include studying books of the Bible (Explore the Bible Series), studying biblical concepts (Bible Studies for Life Series), and studying the grand narrative of Jesus (The Gospel Project). On occasion they will include short term, topical studies as well. They are loosely grouped by life stages. You are encouraged to visit several until you find the class that feels like family.
Young Adults - 9:15am
Jonathan & Deanna Morse: V203 - College & Career

Alyssa Dillmon / Tyler McArthur: S204 - Young Adults

Nick Trewett / Jay Harrison / Chandler Hall : S200 - Young Adults with Kids

Aaron Zarmbinski /Carolyn Zarmbinksi: S203 - Young Adults with Kids

Jon Caliste / Bryan Williamson: S205- Young Adults with Kids  

Sharon Glasscock / Cynthia Tittle: S107 - Younger Ladies

Julia Henry: Conference Room - Younger Median Mixed Adults
Median Adults & Senior Adults - 9:15am
Rick Knowles / Don Arbuckle / Walter Howell / Mike Cockerham: S102 -Mixed Median Adults

Thor Holder / Sid Griffin: S207 - Mixed Median Adults

Mike Harmon / Deb Hadden / Tracey Stevenson: N100 - Older Median Adults

David Bartlett: S100 - Senior Adults
Median Adults - 10:15am
Sandy Falkner / Mark Cummings: N100 -  Older Median Adults
Wade Rasberry: S200 - Older Median Adults
Shawn  White: S204 - Mixed Adults
Senior Adults - 10:15am
Gerald Stevens / CJ Lewis: S105- Adults 60+
Seasoned Servants: Choir Room - Adults 60-79
Cathy Scott / Curtis Phillips / Craig Brooks: 
N104 - Adults 60-79
Randy Wilkes / Jerry Elkins: S102 Mixed Adults 60+
Ron Wells / Sharon May: S104 - Adults 60-79
Mardell Buckley / Cindy Johnson: S201 - Ladies 50-75
Marlene Arnette: S100 - Ladies 50-75
Debra Robinson: N102 - Ladies 65-80
Frances Bryan: S101 - Ladies 80+
Dennis Wilson: S103 - Men 60-79

Wednesday Night Discipleship Groups  |   6:30pm - 8:30pm 

Wednesday Night Discipleship Groups are designed around 8 attributes of a growing disciple:
  • Bible engagement
  • Obeying God and denying self
  • Serving God and others
  • Sharing Christ
  • Exercising faith
  • Seeking God
  • Building relationships
  • Unashamed (transparency)
Men's Group
Iron Men: In Depth Study of David - Room S102
Women's Group
Trustworthy by Lisa Terkeurst - Room S200 
Young Adults (19-29)
Knowing Jesus as Savior: A Study in Luke - Room V203 
Financial Peace University: Room S205 (Registration Required)

Adult Bible Study on the book of Ezekiel (Harrell Shelton): Choir Room
Person of Interest: Room N102 
The purpose of these groups is to move believers from learners to participants in fulfilling our mission as a church to make Christ known to all generations.