
ACTS 1:8

We regularly participate in international missions trips and recently we have gone to Nicaragua and El Salvador. We participate in the International Mission Board Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international Missions.
Sunday school classes have continuous ministry projects going on to support our local community. We conduct church wide food drives, deliver new move-in boxes and volunteer at Common Ground. We have blood drives at our church to support our local blood bank.
We emphasize and promote our State Missions Offering Georgia Barnette. We support the Cooperative Program which helps our LA Baptist Children's Home among many great ministries. ABC has helped sponsor and support several new church plants.

Groups from our church have helped serve across the nation and minister in places like New York, inner-city Arlington, Chicago, New Orleans and Houston. Each year we participate with the North American Mission Board Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions.

We regularly participate in international missions trips and recently we have gone to Nicaragua and El Salvador. We participate in the International Mission Board Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international Missions.

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